Find yourself a psychiatrist

Have you ever seen a psychiatrist? Most likely you will respond “Why should I? I’m a normal person”. Fair enough.

In February 2014 I saw a psychiatrist. I do consider myself a normal person and I’ve always been. But one day I found myself in psychiatric office. Something went wrong.

After our separation I start to lose weight. I couldn’t normally eat and barely slept for 3-4 hours a day. It was a disaster. In 1,5 months my weight went down from 80 kg to 69. I sent my wife a message saying I’m suffering from lack of sleep and normal nutrition. Her response was something like “go and see a psychiatrist, he’s gonna help you”. So I went and saw him.

13% of the US psychiatrists use psychotherapy to treat their patients. The rest 87% simply prescribe you antidepressants. So I got a pack of colorful pills and started to take them.

Two really bad things about antidepressants: a) they don’t act immediately and you have to wait for 2 weeks; b) they have awful withdrawal syndrome which will last half-time of your course.

To make a long story short: I quit them pretty soon. It was hard, but I could.

Moral of this story: don’t go to psychiatrist! Don’t start to take these pills! It’s not gonna help you, it would make it even worse. Your evil spouses WANT you to become a psycho. They will tell YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. They will persuade you that you NEED A PSYCHIATRIST.

Simply ignore it. Don’t turn yourself into a psycho.

P.S. And as usual you can share your story in comments.

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