Do you need an immigration lawyer?

If you’d asked for a legal advise online, you already heard “You need to hire an attorney”.

Do you actually need an immigration lawyer?

The answer is NO. You don’t. Your spouse does, but you don’t. Immigration lawyer would be nothing more than a waste of money for you.

First of all, use AVVO. This is a great service and it’s 100% free. You can anonymously ask any law-related question and 3-5 legal attorneys will answer it for free within 1-2 hours.

Second, 95% of immigration lawyers provide FREE consultation. Call several lawyers, schedule with them a consultation, make sure it’s FREE and go! They gonna spend with you 30-60 minutes of their expensive time ($250-400 per hour) for free and would answer all your questions. Never sign for a lawyer, never pay them a single penny! Go for a free consultation and then leave.

Why you don’t need an immigration lawyer? Because they represent ANOTHER party. They represent people like your spouse, who are in risk of being deported.


    1. Hi Mimi , this js what sucks the US citizens that has been victimzed are the ones who get stuck and has no clue what to do.


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